Ah summertime… when necklines get lower and hemlines creep higher all in the pursuit of getting the most out of every little breeze that might relieve the heat. How appropriate then that this month has been chosen for the unveiling of a 26-foot statue commemorating Marilyn Monroe’s famous upskirting scene from The Seven Year Itch. It is designed for the public to walk under her billowing skirt and peek at her panties – I know I’ll be making that saucy little detour next time I’m in Chicago!

Now I’m no Marilyn Monroe, but I know my little skirt and the perky bottom it covers have a devoted following both in real life and in the Enchantrix realm. There is just something so bewitching about a behind that doesn’t quite reveal itself…you become utterly convinced that if you stare long enough, you will have the opportunity to discover what color panties I’m wearing…or better yet, that I’m not wearing any at all.

We ladies tend to use the rising mercury to justify putting our luscious legs and undulating asses on display. But make no mistake – this enticing exposure has just one purpose: to tease your cock into a state of aching agitation. We know we’ve succeeded when you trip off the curb, cough and adjust, glance up from your iPhone, slow your pace so you can continue to gaze.

What is it you imagine when you stare at me like that? Are my thighs framing your face? Are you kneeling before me, worshipping my legs? Would you rather dive tongue-first between the perfect mounds of my ass? Whatever…a cocktease like me gets off knowing that my never-gonna-get-it strut will have you furtively making a deposit in your spank bank later on.

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