Please note that Cock Teases & Coquettes was originally a segment from KINKology: the psychology of kink podcast in “Tease and Denial: Cock Teases and Coquettes”



Cock Teases & Coquettes

Ms Becky Intelligent Phone Sex Calls 1 800 601 6975 Cock teases 1Ladies who love to cock tease

A coquette is- as defined by Merriam Webster as “a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the attention and admiration of men” which is interesting that we have a specific word that applies only to women for an activity that anyone of any gender could and does utilize. Isn’t that… interesting to you guys? But immediately with visions of cock teasing dancing in my head all I could think about was the notion of a cock tease, which let’s face it, is exactly what they were referring to coquettes, yes? But I do find it interesting that so many men are enamored with this notion of a cock tease, something they fight & rage against and desire, crave even, at the same time. Several things I want to mention off the bat when discussing the notion of a cock tease, just from a women’s perspective…




A Historical Look at Cock Teases

Let’s start by looking at the historical context of cock teasing. Women were disallowed from any carnal pleasure before marriage, and the men absolutely continued to try to enjoy carnal pleasure with them anyways. I hope that none of us are of the idea that even with the consequences in place that women were not interested in carnal pleasure and likewise that the men did not pursue them carnally, even knowing what fate awaited these women if they were discovered. The more I experience life the more I understand that humans have always been human and did human things and that sexuality is absolutely foundation to our human experience. So basically, the notion of a flirtatious women, who dared avail herself to a man’s sexual admiration without likewise availing her body to a man was born. The evil coquette, inflaming a man’s passions and leaving him to suffer the consequences, for nothing more than the admiration of a man. How cruel she is, yes? This woman, who dared to enjoy the attention of a man without sharing her body, as if she owes him her body on the basis of him liking it or admiring it. Also please let it be known that it wasn’t women who made the rules that a women’s worth lies in the flap of skin protecting her virtue- oh no, that wasn’t us, was it? Men created the rules around a women’s sexuality and then became angry when it negatively impacted them. Men created situations where a women’s sexuality is shameful and fulfillment of her desires lead to ruination, and then cried when women were still utterly desirable to them and now unavailable to them. Boo fucking who, you big dummies. Hung by your own petard, as they say, and I have very little sympathy for that.


The attraction of men to cock teasing is a natural byproduct of them having built a system where women cannot be sexual without shame, so that they will be safe from the overwhelming power of a women’s sexuality, resulting in their deprivation of a women’s sexuality. However, just because you have shamed women into not being able to express their sexuality, doesn’t mean their natural sexuality ceases to exist- the power to entice, tease, and stir desires is just inherent in a women’s body. So, there is almost this push and pull action of women being shamed and then also empowered and men shaming but also desiring, resenting but fixating.


I happened to run across some really cool archetypal information regarding coquettes. Archetypes are basically inherited roles and depictions of human experience derived from what Carl Jung described as “the collective unconsciousness”. We WILL be exploring archetypes in the future on my podcast KINKology, but for now, I will cover the archetype of the coquette as it is a fitting concept for today’s episode. And just so you know, this may be a 2 or 3 episode arc because there is just soooo much to discuss- cock teasing, edging, gooning, denial, ruined orgasm. I want to discuss it ALL!




The Coquette Archetype: The Ultimate Cock Tease

Ms Becky Intelligent Phone Sex Calls 1 800 601 6975 Cock teases 4According to in an article entitled “What is the Coquette Archetype?”, the coquette concept has been around for literal centuries and is the archetype most association with seduction, flirtation, and a fair amount of manipulation. Again, archetypes reach into the collective human experiences to describe a pattern of human behavior.


The characteristics of the coquette include: charming, playful, confident, manipulative, selfish, known to use her femininity as a weapon to get what she wants. She uses her skills in seduction to get all the yummy things she wants like attention, admiration, power, even material rewards. She accomplishes this through the dance of elusiveness and the appearance of accessibility, to keep you in a state of anticipation. This archetype is associated with narcissism due to their use of manipulation, coercion, and her self centeredness (but as a side note, can you hear the whiny cries of the bitchboy men who christened her thusly? I fucking can).


The Coquette: Strengths

The coquettes strengths are: charisma, confidence, passion and enthusiasm, she’s fun loving and playful, independent and self reliant (this is no damsel in distress, gentlemen, this is an accomplished women who knows how to take care of business. She is adventurous, tends to have a high emotional IQ and be perceptive, able to mentally dissect you at will, and coquettes are positively gifted in terms of their sbility to create and sustain relationships, at communication and persuasion, and they are able to inspire and motivate others…mostly to do their bidding.



The Coquette: Weaknesses

Ms Becky Intelligent Phone Sex Calls 1 800 601 6975 Cock teases 2The coquettes weakness are manipulation and deceit, self-centeredness, & she is associated with narcissism. She can be superficial, which makes sense when you have someone who is trying to be what will best accomplish her goals, right? Like a chameleon! Her playfulness can include playing with others’ emotions for no reason other than wanting to see what will happen, as her skill set is all about predicting human behavior, so she needs the raw data, yes? You can see I am a little protective of our coquettes, right? Cause, well, I don’t know if you have picked up on the fact that this archetype pretty much describes my personality. Coquettes are known to be inconsistent, unreliable, have difficulty committing to long term relationships due to a fear of intimacy, which makes sense because you can’t be everything to everyone and also be everything to just one person, you know? There is a tendency for this person to be a little mercenary, using people to suit their own needs. The flipside to mercenary is adaptive, using your environment to meet your needs. At times, they can present with a lack of empathy and can be associated with heartbreak due to their flighty and flirtatious personalities.





Origins of the Cock Teasing Coquette (13 Feminine Seduction Archetypes)


The coquette is made up of two main archetypes of the 7 main female archetypes: the huntress and the lover. Just so you know, there are very much different schools of thought and different archetypes, and I will be doing a full episode of KINKology on the 7 female archetypes at some point. So these 7 main female archetypes create the subcategories for the 13 feminine seduction archetypes based on how they interact with the lover archetype. So basically, it looks at how women express their sexuality in regard to the remaining 6 archetypes other than the lover.



The Huntress: The Coquettes Main Motivation


Ms Becky Intelligent Phone Sex Calls 1 800 601 6975The coquette is most aligned with the Huntress (which I fucking LOVE, lol). So the Huntress is associated with a free spirited, independent woman who embodies primal energy. The huntress has a fierce warrior spirit, she possess dominant wild woman energy, she REQUIRES autonomy and independence, does not respond well to authority and above all, needs her freedom. She is intuitive, courageous, she has internal belongingness and does not doubt her place in the world, passionate and expressive, she lives an embodied life, she is rebellious and focused. Her weakness include impulsivity, unpredictability, excessiveness, moodiness, self centered, and impatient.


Our coquette is essentially how the Huntress archetype expresses the lover archetype (which is rather thought to be an inherent expression of femininity available, though not necessarily expressed by, all women). Our lover lives life through her senses, connected to primal energy, she is guided instinctively by her body, she is empathetic and sensitive, emotional and intuitive, sensual and loving.


Although our coquette hunts using her softness as bait, she is still a huntress nevertheless, isn’t she? She uses her feminine skills to fulfill her desires, she presents with softness and sweetness, but that sweet shell hides a core of determination to meet her needs, to delight her senses, to live a fully embodied and free life with lots of sensual and delightful experiences.



Final Thoughts on Cock Teases and Coquettes


I thought this to be a great introduction into cock teases, because I really find the push and pull of cock teasing to be so… well, delightful. The fact that men crave it, need it, but also resent it and try to overcome it makes it a battle of wills for me. The fact that this archetype is an expression of women fighting back against an oppressive patriarchal society and being demonized for it makes me love her so very much. Our coquette finds a way to live an inspired, free, sensual, exciting life, expressing her sexual being, gaining the admiration, attention and favor of many people- all the while, existing in a world that tells her she is evil, immoral, and selfish for doing so. And despite how much the men resent her, she is always irresistible to them regardless. Raise your chalices to the fearless cock teases and coquettes, gentlemen & sissies. And if you ever want a sexy partner to try some phone sex cock teasing with, well, hit me up. I love teasing and tormenting men!



Hear the two-episode arc of “Tease And Denial” below


Ms Becky Intelligent Phone Sex Calls 1 800 601 6975 Cock teases TeaseDenial1

Click to listen to Tease and Denial Part 1


Ms Becky Intelligent Phone Sex Calls 1 800 601 6975 Cock teases TeaseDenial2

Click to listen to Tease and Denial Part 2


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