No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition or domination games from a cock tease, but they really should! After all, what else is a cock tease but a strong, independent, powerful woman who knows what she wants and what she’s willing to do to get what she wants? How else would you define a dominant woman? Every single woman on this planet who has ever teased a man to distraction has felt the power and control over his cock in that moment. Sensual domination from a cock tease should be de regueur, expected, normal, and an everyday experience.
Sensual domination is still domination, even if it’s soft, sweet, and you end with an orgasm.
Domination games often get painted with a terrible brush, all latex and chains, and whimpering men shivering on the floor. Not that that sort of domination is a bad thing; a lot of people really enjoy all the drama and the passion play of it all. Sensual domination can get ignored by fans of power exchange because there’s no crying and begging, no whips, no restraint, and no, well. Pain. That sort of mindset around the softer side of domination games tells me they’ve never been properly cock teased because if they had, they’d know there’s plenty of begging and crying! Cock tease sessions that go on long enough can induce extreme blue balls, too, and that’s an ache that follows you through the day, as surely as a solid paddling will leave your ass sore. The thing about sensual domination is that the power exchange is often more mental, requires fewer of the overt symbols of BDSM play, and doesn’t involve a lot of cracking whips (although tease and denial can leave you just as worn out!)
Powerful, dominant women have used sensual techniques to control men’s behavior forever.
Where men will use domination games and leverage authority (both real and perceived) to get what they want in the world, women have always needed to be a little more gentle, soft, and, well, manipulative to get where we want to go. The lack of obvious social power in generations past resulted in power dynamics that women learned to shift to our benefit. The techniques of a cock tease are rooted in bygone ages of power dynamics between men and women. The dropped pen, allowing a woman to lean over and flash a little brassiere; the coyly tinkered with charm on a golden chain, drawing attention to cleavage and carefully painted lips; the casual touch on a man’s arm to capture his attention, and then direct said attention where you want it to be… all this cock tease flirting behavior has been rooted in deftly controlling men’s behavior through their arousal. Through their dicks. Sensual domination is less about the whips and chains and “kneel bitch” attitude and more about head games, manipulation, and using a man’s own weakness against him.
Cock teasing is sensual domination.
The act of making a man hard and promising, even if just by implication, certain things if only he will do something for you, has been a staple of women’s behavior for ages, but now women are doing a little cock tease on purpose, knowing full well exactly what we’re doing and what effect it has on you. Before, women would manipulate men as a matter of survival or simply manage to have their opinions heard at all. Now? In the year of our Lord 2023? We tease cocks because it’s fun, it feels good to us, and because men are still so weak to a little implied promise of sexual gratification. Never doubt that modern women know exactly what we’re doing when we flash a little bit at you to make you drop your cup of coffee. We know. We did that on purpose. And yes, we’re laughing at you for it.
Sensual domination from a cock tease? Yes, please!
If you want your personal cock tease to go beyond just teasing you about your stiffy or to maybe add some other elements to this fun game between you, you need to be willing to play the game, too. A little cock tease to amuse ourselves on the way to work is one thing; teasing the hell out of a lover’s cock that evening and into the night, making him sweat and writhe and beg for more? That’s completely different. To get your cock tease to stop just hinting at the true depths of sexual domination she could drive you into, try actually asking. After all, modern women know exactly what we’re doing and have access to the internet. If you tell your girlfriend or wife you’d like her to tease your cock until you can’t take it anymore and give her a few helpful internet links to get started, I’m very certain you’ll be in for a good time. And if you’re still worried your sweet, innocent, virginal girlfriend could never do that, give us a call. I’ll tease the hell out of your cock for you, wind you up, and send you off to your lover with a raging hard on and a deep desire to finally get to cum.
i understand that i need to be thankful for any attention You give me! i also understand that You could walk away at the drop of a hat. It’s in my best interest, therefore, to beg and cross my fingers that You’ll allow me to continue being an accessory to Your life!
First of all, thank you for the link to the definition of ‘de regueur’! It saved me from needing to type it into a search bar.
Also: ‘whimpering men shivering on the floor’ I first read as `whimpering shaved men on the floor’ LOL.
When I first discovered femdom, it was in erotic magazine, the kind of the same general format as the 1950s era Pulp Fiction science fiction magazines. Lots of written content, and a few illustrations. Those stories were all about cruel mean dominatrixes. It touched something inside of me, awakening my craving to be dominated, and as such that is what I thought femdom was all about.
Then when I got onto the Internet, I discovered F/M tickling. It was definitely very sensual in nature, and because I am extremely ticklish it created a way in my head that a woman could easily subdue me without being Amazonian. Believe me, I am super ticklish, and any woman who wants to subdue could easily have me begging for mercy and offering anything just for even a short break.
I had not yet learned the importance of consent. Well, I knew it, but integrating into my submission fantasies I had not yet learned.
From the F/M Tickling world I was introduced to sensual femdom and while I absolutely enjoy the `mean bitch’ scenario from time to time, I could only roleplay that with a woman I trust and the way a Domme gains my trust is through sensual cock tease, bringing me to my knees with desire.
She can dominate me with a whip, she can dominate me by tickling, but she gains my consent by dominating my mind with the art of her cock teasing.
You tease cocks on purpose,you tease cocks because it’s fun. Fun is a very overlooked element in many parts of our lives. It’s always better when people have fun with their work/exercise/sex and aren’t just checking boxes
God Damn! I am wrecked from reading and commenting on that last post *Cock Tease And Humiliation With Ms Harper*! You know what to write to ‘get to me*! FUCK!
Well god damn. Your dominant power over me is regular and yes, every day. Not kidding, Especially since you have me saving cum for you for that EPIC session to thoroughly embarrass me in front of a new mistress, one who knows nothing about me.
It has been a while since you were employing more sensual domination during session, at least for much of it. There is always some.
BUT I have noticed you work on me invisibly with sensual domination, teasing the fuck out of me between sessions and just before.
Yes, I would agree. Manipulative. Carefully and precisely working me, using my weaknesses against me (oh, you know me too well!) I was going to say calculating but you are just so damn good at it I bet you don’t have to “calculate” do you?
It does not matter if your I like your cock teasing or not. You knew I was weak for you and would cave at the first mention of sexual gratification, even if it was for your humiliation fun and games!
Yes, you already wind me up like a toy and send me off with a hard on and a deep desire to finally get to FULLY cum, every time you fucking ruin me, for YOUR fun!
Mistress Harper has ruined over 25 orgasms in just over the last year and a half leaving me a desperate needy pussy each time.